How We Can Help
Whether you need help with your recovery or have fallen on hard times during your recovery, we are here to help you. Call or come into our Recovery Resource Center and one of our trained Recovery Care Technicians (RCTs) can help you with any of the following: (Rollover or click a resource to learn more)
Education & Training
Peer Recovery Coaching
Programs & Events
See All

Recovery Housing
We can help set you up with a place to live, in a home environment, with others that understand the challenges each person will face in the recovery process. Whether it’s at one of nine Live Rite Properties houses or another recovery house, we can help with every step of the process. We will guide you through the process of applying for funding or you can receive a Live Rite Scholarship.

Food Assistance
We have a stocked food pantry at our Recovery Resource Center. If you are in recovery and are in need of food, fill out our food assistance application and we’ll get you as much food as we can and even provide transportation/drop off if needed.

Clothing Boutique and Assistance
At the Resource Center we have a resale shop and clothing boutique where everything is $1! If you can’t afford this we can give you a clothing voucher where you can shop our store for free. To see if you qualify fill out our clothing need application or come into our Center.

Employment & Staffing Program
We have a staffing company here at Live Rite called Nu-Way Staffing. We have been hard at work compiling information so we can assist everyone who comes in our doors in finding gainful employment. We have contracts with several local factories and are working diligently to build relationships with others to give our clients the best opportunities possible. We know how hard finding a job is in early recovery when you’re first coming out of the fog of drugs and alcohol. Call or come into our Recovery Center to talk to a Recovery Care Technicians about getting a job today. Learn more about what we do and our staffing program by clicking the button below
Jobs Available! Our staffing company has positions available for immediate employment! Click the Apply Now button below to fill out a job application and get started in your new job the same week!

Weekly Meetings
A large portion of the Recovery Resource Center are rooms for our meetings. We provide meetings at our Recovery Resource Center every day. Just come to the back of the building (the big red doors) and you will be greeted by a Recovery Care Technician, who will show you where to go. We have 12 step meetings, meetings for substance abuse education, yoga, meditation, nutrition & fitness, spiritual, grief and much more.

Education & Training
Along with our staffing program we do have meetings and events that can help you gain employment. One of our more popular meetings is at My Mechanic in New Baltimore, where attendees learn how to do different kinds of automotive mechanical work. Another meeting we provide now is a furniture restoration class where we restore old furniture. We will soon be starting our Web Design, Computer Programming and Contracting classes. We are also interested in hearing your opinion about what other classes you would be interestred in.

Peer Recovery Coaching
Live Rite Recovery has several Peer Recovery Coaches to help those seeking recovery. Peer Recovery Coaching has been proven to be effective in gaining long lasting recovery. Live Rite has also developed a Peer Recovery Coaching app where Peer Recovery Coaches and users can communicate, update and set goals, get resources & information for their coach and much more. Sign up for Peer Recovery Coaching online, call or come in to start Peer Recovery with Live Rite.

Programs & Events
We put on events and provide programs that help the person in recovery in all aspects of their life. Some of these programs include legal assistance events, where attendees can talk with lawyers about their situations; financial well being classes where people learn to manage their money; family coaching events which a certified instructor can help with family counseling; and much more!
Also: 954 individuals met with one of our Peer Recovery Coaches. We've logged over 3922 meetings with clients. Sign up for Peer Recovery Coaching
Who We Are
Live Rite Structured Recovery Corp is a non-profit organization with a personal interest in helping the person in early recovery. Our goal is to help those with substance abuse problems become productive members of society by giving them the tools to stay clean, live sober and develop a strong foundation of recovery.
We also have an interest in helping those with mental health disorders by providing evidence-based wrap around services in a peer support program.

Upcoming Events & Meetings
Tomorrow 2/17
Tuesday 2/18
Wednesday 2/19
Thursday 2/20
Friday 2/21
Free Narcan Training: Feb 20th
Thu, Feb 20th at 12:00PM
Live Rite Recovery Resource Center, 27700 Gratiot Ave., Roseville, MI
Sign up for FREE Narcan Training at Live Rite Resource Center! This training is quick and could help you save a life one day. Every Thursday at 12:00 PM, join us as Chris teaches a Narcan Certification Course.
Power Up: Family Edition at Xtreme Fitness
Fri, Feb 21st at 4:00-6:00PM
Xtreme Fitness, 47163 Gratiot Ave, Chesterfield MI 48051
Join us for snacks, good company, healthy education, and burn some calories with us at Xtreme Fitness in Chesterfield! Free to attend for anyone over 13 years old.
How You Can Help
You can help our cause by texting Live Rite to 44 321 for a quick donation. You can also go to our Donate Page to quickly donate, donate to our Resource Center Program or become a corporate sponsor.
We thank all the donors that have helped us create a safe place for people in recovery
Our Recovery Resource Center
Resources Available at our Center
We always have at least one Recovery Care Technician(RCT) at the Center during business hours. If you are in recovery and need any type of assistance they are here to help. If you are struggling with addiction the Resource Center is the perfect place to start your recovery journey. A RCT can help lay the groundwork for your recovery by answering questions and setting up goals to start living a better life. They can also help with the resources that we have at the Center.

Weekly Meetings & Events
We provide an array of weekly meetings every day as well as events
View Events & Meetings
Clothing Boutique & Assistance
We have a clothing boutique that also helps people in need
Apply for Clothing Assistance
Job Assistance & Staffing Program
We partner with companies to get you a job quickly
Career Training ProgramApply Now

Recovery Housing
Live Rite Properties has 9 houses in Macomb County
Recovery Home ApplicationOur Recovery Houses

Peer Recovery Coaching
Available at the Center, over the phone or on Zoom
Request Virtual MeetingSign up

Resource Library
Computers to access internet & apply for resources, recovery books, printers, faxing, literature
View our Library
Yoga Room
We have Yoga twice a week at the Resource Center and the room open during the day.
View Yoga Meetings
Art Recovery
We hold an Art Recovery class in our Art Room once a week as well as a furniture restoration class. The Art Room is also available during the day if you need to release.
View Art Room Classes & Meetings
Media Room
In the basement, we have our Media Room. We hold our Music Didactic class and Mike Mooneys Group Therapy here once a week, as well as special events. The Media Room is open during the day if you need it
Also Available at our Center

Mental Health Supportive Services
Did you know that Live Rite also has an outpatient program for those with Mental Illness?
AOT Program Information
We act as a hub for your telehealth needs, providing tablets, assistance & a private room
Telehealth Information
Teens in Recovery
Join us every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 4:00-6:00 pm for support groups for those ages 14-20
Choices Counseling
Mike Mooney, certified gambling counselor, is located on the first floor of the building. He also runs the Wednesday night group therapy

Narcan Training & Distribution
We provide regular training for NARCAN administration (Check our upcoming events for next one). We have distributed over 400 NARCAN Nasal Sprays, that have been used in over 30 life-saving situations.
Free NARCAN available at our office M-F 9-4 or in the Vending Machine anytime during meetings.

Financial Wellbeing
Learn about establishing and repairing credit, home ownership and personal financial management at one of our free finance 101 events
Finance 101 Events
Family Recovery Coaching
We provide a Family Recovery Coaching events with certified instructors
Family Coaching Info
Legal Assistance
Family Law, Criminal Law, License Restoration, and Expungements
Legal Assistance InfoHow You Can Help

Amazon Smile
The Amazon Smile program allows you to donate money to Live Rite by simply shopping on Amazon. Click the button below to be taken to the Amazon site, except now a portion of the proceeds will go to our Recovery Resource Center.
Shop on Amazon Smile
Kroger Community Rewards
This Program allows you to shop at Kroger like you regularly do except when you swipe your card a portion of your purchase will be donated to us at no extra cost to you!
Search for Live Rites ID as the recipient: HD238
Link Kroger Card
Any donation helps to keep our Recovery Resource Center open. We thank you for your support!
Donate NowDonate & Get Free Gift
Our Sponsors
Click here to visit or corporate sponsors page and learn the benefits of becoming one of our corporate sponsors!Click on logo to go to sponsor's website